Do you wish to help Amerasians in Vietnam or the Philippines? Here are some options:
Sponsors: If you would like to sponsor a DNA kit, just contact Brian, Angela, or Marny. We can keep you informed on the case linked to the DNA kit or you can designate the kit go to a certain person.
News Media & Influencers: Without the newsmedia, it's hard to tell the public about the Amerasians, their life, and what has happened to them. The news media can be newspapers, televisions, radio or internet social media such as Tik Tok, Instagram, Reddit and Facebook to name a few. Getting in touch with news outlets can be the key to public awareness. So we need people who work with news media and social media to create stories about what we do for those we help so their stories can come out and more people can become aware of our organization.
App Designer: We need someone to create an app or find one that can be used on Android and iPhones, so people can submit cases using an easy app that anyone can download anywhere in the world in different languages.
Researchers / Search Angels: Any help in searching for persons, such as fathers, Amerasians or others, is welcomed with open arms. Searching for a person, takes a lot of time and effort, and often you run into closed doors. Anyone with a genetic genealogy background and family tree building is highly desired to help break these cases.
Translators: Most Amerasians from the Philippines can speak English, but most in Vietnam do not. Our team members live all of the world but having the capabilities to have someone translate for us can be key to working on a case in a quick manner. If you speak Vietnamese, Tagalog, or Cebuano and would like to be a translator for Father Founded, please contact Brian or Angela.
Fundraisers: None of our team members are paid and 100% of donations to Father Founded go towards DNA test kits, postage, and the ISP and website. We need volunteers ready to help with fundraising, so we at least can cover some of the costs.
Branding experts / Public Relations: What began in 1992, is not only a history, but much more now since we are a worldwide united group. So we need branding, an online image of what we do is important so more people will be encouraged to support our endeavors.
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